Inspiration for an unlikeable demon hunter

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It all started with this photo

Okay, not exactly but you gotta admit he’s smoldering. This is the super sexy, super talented Arjun Gupta, who I’m loving as Penny on The Magicians. He’s who I kept imagining, except with longer hair and gold eyes, whenever I pictured Rohan.

What do you think?

Nava? Well, she came fully formed to me, doing her walk of shame before half-drunkenly crashing her brother’s induction ceremony. What’s not to love, right? There is the slightest chance that in channeling her I was merely corralling my inner voice, saying the quiet part loud for the entirety of this book. I will say though, that I’ve never had so much fun writing a character.

Ari was born for me pretty much as soon as Nava was, which is fitting since their twins. But the other Rasha in book one were a process of discovery. I found my way to them via magic powers, questionable fashion choices, and my husband’s preferred Italian swear words.

Then there is Vancouver. It was so much fun for me to set an urban fantasy in my city. We have this stadium called Roger’s Arena and at night, lit up, it looks like a metal alien bug, hiding out behind the buildings, ready to raise its mandibles and strike. One day, I’ll manage to get a demon inside there somehow.

So those are some of the things that went into the dark cauldron of my brain while writing this book.