Happy Book Birthday to an unlikeable girl!

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Happy book birthday to an unlikeable girl!

The Unlikeable Demon hunter is officially launched! Huzzah! Happy book birthday to meeeeee. When that opening sequence of some chick doing the walk of shame up back home, only to crash her brother’s induction ceremony and learn that the secret society of demon hunters had been training the wrong twin all these years first popped into my head, little did I think it would kick off a crazy new chapter in my life.

But I’m so glad it did! Writing this series has been my way of exploring my complex emotions and frustrations around both the “nice/likeable” label thrust onto females-even fictional ones, as well as my experiences growing up Jewish and certain prejudices I encountered.

And hell, I’ll admit it, Nava is me with my filter button turned off and I love writing her.

Thank you for embracing both of us.

If you haven’t yet read The Unlikeable Demon Hunter, why not grab it while it’s on sale for 99c to celebrate the release?


And if you have, then please leave a review on Amazon, Goodreads, your blog–wherever you chat books. It’s readers like you who help authors like me be discovered. I’m nothin’ without you!

Now, I shall leave you a shareable image, just ’cause.

